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Starter Template

Slidev requires Node.js >=18.0

The best way to get started is by using our official starter template:

npm init slidev@latest
yarn create slidev
pnpm create slidev

Follow the prompts and it will open the slideshow at http://localhost:3030/ automatically for you.

It also contains a basic setup along with a short demo with instructions on how to get started with Slidev.

Install Manually

If you prefer to install Slidev manually or would like to integrate it into an existing project, you can do:

npm install @slidev/cli @slidev/theme-default
npx slidev

Install Globally

Available since v0.14

You can install Slidev globally with the following command

npm i -g @slidev/cli

And then use slidev everywhere without creating a project every time.

npx slidev

This command will also try to use local @slidev/cli if it has been found in the node_modules.

Install on Docker

If you need a rapid way to run a presentation with containers, you can use the prebuilt docker image maintained by tangramor, or build your own.

Just run the following command in your work folder:

docker run --name slidev --rm -it \
    --user node \
    -v ${PWD}:/slidev \
    -p 3030:3030 \
    -e NPM_MIRROR="" \

Note: You can use NPM_MIRROR to specify a npm mirror to speed up the installation process.

If your work folder is empty, it will generate a template and other related files under your work folder, and launch the server on port 3030.

You can access your slides from http://localhost:3030/

Build deployable images

You can create your own slidev project as a docker image with Dockerfile:

FROM tangramor/slidev:latest

ADD . /slidev

Create the docker image: docker build -t myppt .

And run the container: docker run --name myslides --rm --user node -p 3030:3030 myppt

You can visit your slides at http://localhost:3030/

Build hostable SPA (Single Page Application)

Run docker exec -i slidev npx slidev build on the running container slidev. It will generate static HTML files under dist folder.

Host on Github Pages

You can host dist as a static website via services such as GitHub Pages or GitLab Pages.

Since in GitHub Pages the URL may contain subfolders, you may use --base=/<subfolder>/ option during the build process, such as docker exec -i slidev npx slidev build --base=/slidev_docker/.

To avoid the Jekyll build process, you'll need to add an empty file .nojekyll.

Host via docker

You can also host Slidev yourself via docker:

docker run --name myslides --rm -p 80:80 -v ${PWD}/dist:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx:alpine

Or create a static image with the following Dockerfile:

FROM nginx:alpine

COPY dist /usr/share/nginx/html

Create the docker image: docker build -t mystaticppt .

And run the container: docker run --name myslides --rm -p 80:80 mystaticppt

You can visit your slides at http://localhost/

Refer to tangramor/slidev_docker for more details.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

@slidev/cli exposes a few commands you can use with npx slidev ... or by adding scripts in your package.json:

  "script": {
    "dev": "slidev"

In that case, you will be able to run npm run dev.

You can pass options to any command:

  • boolean option are true if they are present, false otherwise (example: slidev --open)
  • some options can have values you can add just after the option or by using the = character (example: slidev --port 8080 or slidev --port=8080)

If you use npm scripts, don't forget to add -- after the npm command:

npm run slidev -- --open

slidev [entry]

Start a local server for Slidev.

  • [entry] (string, default: path to the markdown file containing your slides.


  • --port, -p (number, default: 3030): port number.
  • --open, -o (boolean, default: false): open in the browser.
  • --remote [password] (string): listen to the public host and enable remote control, if a value is passed then the presenter mode is private and only accessible by passing the given password in the URL query password parameter.
  • --bind (string, default: specify which IP addresses the server should listen on in the remote mode.
  • --log ('error', 'warn', 'info', 'silent', default: 'warn'): Log level.
  • --force, -f (boolean, default: false): force the optimizer to ignore the cache and re-bundle.
  • --theme, -t (string): override theme.

slidev build [entry]

Build a hostable SPA.

  • [entry] (string, default: path to the slides markdown file.


  • --out, -o (string, default: dist): output dir.
  • --base (string, default: /): base URL (see
  • --download (boolean, default: false): allow the download of the slides as a PDF inside the SPA.
  • --theme, -t (string): override theme.

slidev export [entry]

Export slides to PDF (or other format). See Exporting for more details.

  • [entry] (string, default: path to the slides markdown entry.


slidev format [entry]

Format the markdown file.

  • [entry] (string, default: path to the slides markdown entry.

slidev theme [subcommand]

Theme-related operations.


  • eject [entry]: Eject the current theme into the local file system
    • [entry] (string, default: path to the slides markdown entry.
    • Options:
      • --dir (string, default: theme): the output dir.
      • --theme, -t (string): override theme.

Released under the MIT License.